Dear Diary,
I think I might need to take these dreams more seriously. Once is a coincidence, twice is a bigger coincidence, but the third time? It may not be a coincidence anymore. I dreamed about that same place again. Is it really something more significant? Why am I having the same dream over and over again? Is it some sort of trauma? Maybe I should take a break from reading fantasy novels. They are messing with my head too much. And the thing is… whenever I wake up, I feel drained. I can’t even focus on school anymore. It feels like I haven’t slept in days.
Anyway, about the dream… The boy that had offered to train me in combat, Mica, was teaching me where to hold the five-feet long axe so that I can get the maximum damage output while putting in the least amount of strength. He was a really good teacher. I wondered if he had ever taught someone before. He had to be no more than a couple of years older than me. And he was probably the most handsome man in the village with how the young girls squealed at him wiping his sweat as they watched us train from outside the training ground.
But I just couldn’t bring myself to feel… anything for him. It felt like I was talking to an NPC in a game. Even his name, Mica, was so… villager coded. Was it because I was dreaming?
I tried to focus on his lessons and gave my axe a couple of more swings. And it really did feel much better. Before it felt like I was carrying a hundred logs as I fought. Now it felt like I was carrying 99.
I yelled as I dropped the axe to the floor. “Can’t I use a lighter weapon? Like a sword or something?”
Mica shook his head. That’s the holy weapon, he said. Why did I have to feel even its heaviness in a dream?
I massaged my neck. I asked him if I could use magic. He said soon enough.
My sentences seem to be getting shorter. Is it because my dreams are draining me so much that it might as well feel like I am not sleeping!!! If I was writing this on my laptop, I would have done such a huge keyboard smash right about now. AAAAAGH!!! All I can do is draw more of !!!!!s for now. Fake keyboard smash… Too many letters.
Where was I?
After I was done with the practice for the day, the village chief invited me for dinner and told me that I was supposed to meet someone important the next day. Honestly? I hoped that I didn’t dream of this place again. I was fighting the urge to fall asleep even inside the dream.
“Can I go to sleep now?” The chief was taken aback by my words. Feeling perplexed he just nodded. I gulped down the watered-down orange juice and dragged myself back to my room.
Something different happened this time, though.
I was pulled into a different dream.
I was in a black space. It’s not like there was no light. I could see myself pretty clearly. But everything was just black. It felt like I was floating in a starless sky. I felt someone moving behind me, but when I turned around, I only saw the sliver of a shadow disappear into the blackness.
Then my head started hurting and faint voices surrounded me. They grew louder each second until I couldn’t even hear my own voice screaming for them to stop. Pressing my palms on my ears, I shrank into myself.
“Save us.”
“You are the only one.”
“You have to save-”
“We *** shi** mai**---”
The voices blended together until I could no longer distinguish them from each other and all I could hear was this high-pitched static noise.
I was fortunate that mom heard me screaming and woke me up. Or who knows how long I would have been stuck in that half asleep, half awake state. Have I developed sleep paralysis or something?